Summarize results

The summarize subcommand outputs an HTML file with a summary of the analysis.

Running the summarize subcommand

To run the summarize subcommand with the truncate data, run the following command.

$ java -jar Diachromatic.jar summarize \
    -t outdir/prefix.truncation.stats.txt \
    -a outdir/prefix.align.stats.txt \
    -c outdir/prefix.count.stats.txt \
    -x prefix \
    -o outdir

Available arguments:

Short option Long option Example Required Description Default
-o --out-dir outdir yes Directory for output of the summarize subcommand. results
-x --out-prefix prefix yes Prefix for generated file in output directory. prefix
-t --truncate prefix.truncation.stats.txt yes Path to truncate statistics file. null
-a --align prefix.align.stats.txt yes Path to align statistics file. null
-c --count prefix.count.stats.txt yes Path to count statistics file. null

Output files

This will generate an HTML file called outdir/prefix.summary.stats.html.